Techniques to connect with kids with technology based interests

Every child has a different “currency,” and by that we mean willingness to engage or a motivation to pay attention – depending on what’s on offer. For some kids, it’s the motivation to win and feel good about themselves, for others it’s rewards or recognition for doing something well. For young people who are passionate about technology:

  • Consider regular movies nights with family or their friends
  • Take them to an eSports game
  • Join Snapchat and have some fun with the filters
  • Go to events that interest them and be present. Value their interests
  • Make them feel like your priority
  • Think of each engagement like an investment or share in your relationship. It doesn’t pay off immediately, but in the future will pay dividends.

This Online Safety Training is a joint initiative between Interaction and ySafe and has been made possible by funding from the eSafety Commissioner's Online Safety Grants program.