Discuss how online connections and risks may conflict with personal/family values.

If your kids are receptive, use an occasional meal time or drive to discuss choices and values specifically around online safety and your family. Choose themes they can relate to—it could be something they’ve heard about online, a movie or media story, or the experience of a celebrity they admire. These can be planned or unplanned discussions that act as “teachable moments.”

Optional assistance – Conversation Starters:

Pose this scenario or story to your child, and ask them about their thoughts on the situation. Ask how (if any) ways the behaviour in the scenario might conflict with family or personal values, and why? You could also use positive examples of behaviours that show or positively reinforce people modelling your family values.

During the conversation, it is helpful to:

  • Use active listening skills
  • Probe beyond surface level information and seek to understand underlying issues in the scenario with your child
  • Encourage fact checking on the issue
  • Stay silent and encourage your child to talk more

This Online Safety Training is a joint initiative between Interaction and ySafe and has been made possible by funding from the eSafety Commissioner's Online Safety Grants program.