Sexting and nudes

Sexting and Nudes are images or videos that contain people who are nude, engaged in a sex act, in the presence of someone performing a sex act or in a sexually provocative act or pose. If the person shown is under the age of 18, this is considered to be child exploitation material, and can have serious legal consequences.

How do sexting and nudes impact young people with a disability?

Young people living with a disability are significantly more likely to experience contact based risks online, including sharing nudes due to pressure, coercion, blackmail or threats. At times, they appear to be preyed upon or singled out, and may not immediately recognise when they are being manipulated. Specific apps or platforms that allow for “disappearing content” can create a false sense of safety when it comes to sending nudes. Sending nudes under the age of 18, or being threatened into sending does happen to young people, and may be considered Image Based Abuse.


This Online Safety Training is a joint initiative between Interaction and ySafe and has been made possible by funding from the eSafety Commissioner's Online Safety Grants program.