
Gaming is the participation in games that occur on the internet or any type of computer network. Online games are typically characterised by connecting online to meet and play with others.

How does this impact young people with a disability?

Gaming is incredibly popular with young people living with a disability because it contributes to positive feelings of autonomy, connection, control and competence. Multiplayer chat functions for example contribute to a sense of community responsibility and inclusion that many young people may be lacking in their physical worlds, and which they want to participate in, in online environments. Gaming design also correlates with online gambling, with boys now being three times more likely than girls to visit online gambling sites and almost twice as likely as girls to be tricked into buying fake goods.

There is some good news however! For kids with disabilities, video games can offer opportunities to practice everything from communication skills to organisation, and even social interaction in a comfortable environment where players set the pace. Mainstream games can boost a sense of independence and confidence in kids with disabilities, provide the ability to ask for help, and let them challenge themselves.

This Online Safety Training is a joint initiative between Interaction and ySafe and has been made possible by funding from the eSafety Commissioner's Online Safety Grants program.